Why am I Writing a Cruise Blog Now?

Why am I Writing a Cruise Blog Now?
HAL Koningsdam in Norway

One of my friends recently said, “They couldn’t pay me to get on a cruise any time in the foreseeable future!” I agree 100%. If it seems strange that I am writing a cruise blog, there is a rationale.

When I decided to start a blog, I did a lot of research. Everything I read said that I must pick my “niche” and that it must be something I am passionate about.

Well, I have a passion for acting, genealogy, scrapbooking and travel. I don’t know enough about acting or genealogy to share on a blog. I know quite a bit about scrapbooking but that audience is dwindling with the advent of digital photography. That left travel. I have traveled all my life and have a lot to share. Some are anecdotes, some are opinions and some are facts.

My research also advised that I narrow down my “niche”. I decided to focus on cruising.

The saga of the Diamond Princess and all the other COVID-19 laden ships has put terror into the minds of current cruisers and probably turned off those who have never cruised before. The horrific accounts of passengers quarantined for endless weeks in small cabins is beyond imagination.  But there are still thousands of cruisers out there like me who miss cruising and will return when it is safe. When that will be is anyone’s guess.

No Sail Order

The cruise lines voluntarily suspended all operations until September 15 and were hoping to resume soon after that. Adding to voluntary suspensions, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated its No Sail Order on July 16 for all cruise ships over 250 passengers and crew that operate in U.S. waters. The order is expected to remain in place until COVID-19 is no longer a public health emergency, or until September 30, 2020.

Meanwhile, the cruise lines are desperately trying to advertise their future cruises. The problem is that one knows when that future actually starts.

One online travel agency, Vacations To Go is listing hundreds of cruises for sale beginning October 1st.

This week I got a brochure from the American Queen Steamboat Company and MSC Cruises in the mail, the first in over 3 months. They are advertising cruises for 2021.

No Sailing for Me

So, let me be clear. I have no intention of sailing anytime soon. As my friend said, “They couldn’t pay me to get on a cruise any time in the foreseeable future!” I am in the high-risk group due to my age. There is no vaccine. Even with a vaccine it will take a while to get everyone vaccinated and vaccines may not provide 100% coverage. I really can’t imagine getting on a cruise ship before 2022.

So, why am I writing a cruise blog now? I invite you to join me in thinking about, reminiscing and dreaming about cruising minus COVID-19.  Let’s mind-travel to beautiful tropical islands and exotic European ports. Join me as we virtually set sail.

P.S.: Today I canceled my December 2020 Crystal cruise to the Caribbean. I have never cruised on Crystal and had been looking forward to it for over a year. I just can’t imagine that it will be safe to cruise in December.

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