How To Visit Beautiful Bergen, Norway in One Day

Trollskogen bergen norway

When I think of Bergen, Norway, I think of trolls. I know that trolls are found every where in Norway, but these trolls were really big!

Bergen, Norway was the second stop on our 14-day coastal Norway cruise on the Holland America Koningsdam. Our ship docked in Bergen for only one day, but we still managed to see quite a bit of this beautiful city.

Bergen, Norway’s second largest city, is a cultural hub, with outstanding museums, galleries, historical areas and special events. In addition, there is a modern and youthful vibe, thanks to the fact that students make up about 10% of the local population.

Natural escapes are just minutes away. The Bergen port is the gateway to the amazing fjords which make up the Norwegian coastline. In addition, seven mountains ring the city.

bergen norway2
Bergen, Norway

Bryggen Hanseatic Wharf

Bryggen Warf, established in the 14th century, is one of Bergen’s and Norway’s main attractions.

The picturesque wooden structures, rebuilt following a fire in 1702, later became recognized as a vital part of Bergen’s cultural heritage, and also the world’s, as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Meanwhile, today the wharf houses a small museum, shops, restaurants and cafés and is a natural focal point for locals and visitors alike.

bryggen wharf bergen norway
Bryggen Wharf

Fløibanen and Fløyen

Bergen is known in Norway as the “City of the Seven Mountains” so of course we wanted to visit one of them. By far the most easily accessible is Fløyen, which is close to the city center. The Fløibanen Funicular (a cable railroad, especially one on a mountainside, in which ascending and descending cars are counterbalanced) transported us to the top in less than eight minutes.  Once at the top, we enjoyed spectacular views of Bergen and the surrounding landscape. 

funicular bergen norway
Floibanen Funicular to Mount Floyen
at the top of mt. floyen
Cruisin’ Lady at the top of Mount Floyen

There was a playground, restaurant and café, picnic tables, barbeque, hiking trails and of course, the trolls!

Trollskogen – The Troll Forest

The Troll Forest is located at the top of Mount Floyen. Trolls are everywhere and are great fun for taking photographs. Even though children love the Troll Forest , it was a special delight to me as well.

Troll Forest
Cruisin’ Lady with one of the many trolls in the Trollskogen

Bergen Fish Market

The outdoor Fish Market in the middle of the city center has a lively atmosphere and a colorful selection of fish and shellfish, fruit, vegetables and hand-made crafts.

The Fish Market’s location near the harbor has been used for centuries as a meeting/trading place for merchants and fishermen, and today it is one of Norway’s most-visited outdoor markets.

The booth selling reindeer, whale and moose sausages drew my attention.

fish market bergen norway
Bergen Fish Market
bergen fish market norway
Bergen Fish Market

It Rains a Lot

Bergen is the rainiest city in Europe. It rains 231 days per year. In Bergen, the summers are cool and mostly cloudy. The winters are long, very cold, windy, and overcast and it is wet year-round. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 29°F to 64°F and is rarely below 17°F or above 74°F.

The best time of year to visit Bergen for warm-weather activities is from early July to mid-August. Fortunately, my visit was in July when the weather was cloudy but not rainy.


Unfortunately, food and drinks in Bergen are shockingly expensive, to the point that backpacker-types will find the place to be very frustrating. Everything, even in supermarkets, costs double what it does in most expensive European cities. The hostel beds are expensive, and there are almost no budget hotels at all.


Bergen is a lovely city with spectacular views and great trolls. Still, I would not want to live there due to the rain and cost of living. As it turned out, a one-day visit was just right.

map of coastal norway
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  1. Norway is on my list! Very informative post regarding Bergen.

  2. skigrl985

    What a beautiful place! I bet that was fun finding all those trolls.

  3. Denise

    This looked like you suggested, seeing a lot in only one day.. and such good points to know about costs and hotels too. Thank you for sharing 😊

  4. Maggie [Totally Teen Travel]

    How enchanting! I’m putting a Norwegian Cruise on my bucket list for sure!

  5. reniart1690

    Personally I love gnomes but those trolls seem pretty cool too! lol

    • Elaina

      The troll forest looks like it would be a blast. You managed to fit alot in in one day.

  6. Chelsea K. Baxter

    Wow this is great! I’ve been hoping I can get to Norway and these are some great tips to keep in mind.

  7. Love this! I almost had the chance to visit Norway about 5 years ago but couldn’t get childcare. I am really hoping to get another chance one of these years. It’s such a special country.

  8. eatsimplysweetblog

    Great advice for having this be a one day visit! I would love to see that Troll Forest-how cool!!

  9. The troll forest looks interesting and fun! Love that historical cities have so much to offer.

  10. Suz

    Thanks for the overview! I enjoy staying in a locale for a few days at the very least, to really get to know a place.

  11. Tiffany

    Beautiful visit! Would love to travel this area but agree, think one day would be plenty for me!

  12. Jordan

    Looks beautiful! I don’t think I’d like to live there either with all that rain, but it would be great visit! I love the trolls.

  13. Marianne

    I can’t wait to travel to Norway! It’s on my list for sooo many reasons! Thanks for an informative post!

  14. Your photos brought back amazing memories of Bergen, Norway, 8 years ago. So beautiful and scenic – though expensive.

  15. Loved the photos Sandra! A lot of them reminded me of Rotterdam! Hopefully we will make it up north one day. Lovely post!

  16. Cindy Moore

    I’d love to visit Norway! I have Norwegian DNA and the country calls to me!

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